Driver’s licence (exchange)

In Australia, there is no “Australian” driver’s licence. Each of the states and territories has its own driving licences and corresponding rules. If you move from one state to another you will also need to exchange the driver licence, showing photo, personal details and the licence class and licence. I am describing the process of getting a driver’s licence in Queensland based on an existing German/European driving licence. In other states or territories, the rules may vary slightly.
You are allowed to drive with a valid foreign driving licence for up to 3 months after settling in Australia. However, I strongly recommend that you exchange your driver’s licence much earlier as the driver’s licence is also used in Australia as the main proof of identity.
If you are a little bit prepared, the application for the exchange of a driver’s licence is done quickly. To do this, you go to a Transport and Main Roads customer service centre or a Queensland Government license-issuing centre. Where the next branches are to be found can be seen here.
You no longer have to complete a driver licence application form when visiting a Department of Transport and Main Roads customer service centre.
As there is no registration office or identity card in Australia, it is necessary to provide proof of identity and place of residence with documents of different categories under Question 3 (Evidence of identity (EOI) and QLD residency):
– a category A document + 2 of category B OR
– 2 category A documents + one category B document.
This can be a bit complicated if you have just settled in Queensland. The German/European passport covers category A. Another original A document will not be available at that stage to most applicants from abroad.
The category B document is a simple credit card. However, neither the passport nor a credit card shows that you really live in Queensland and nor the address. Therefore, you may need to obtain a Medicare Card beforehand (with the same evidence to be provided there, but usually the officers there will be able to see your visa-details with your address on the computer). Alternatively, invoices from an energy supplier, a bank statement or the tenancy agreement count. So make sure that your name and your address are written on these papers!
Another good alternative (to bills, etc.) is to complete the “Queensland Residency Declaration Form” and have it confirmed by an Australian.
All proof documents must be presented in the original! If you do not have any originals, unfortunately you have to come back another time (although the staff goes to great lengths that you do not have to come back again and ask for possible useful documents in your wallet).
The exchange of a driver’s licence for driving cars and motorcycles is thus easy to do (if you have held the old driver’s licence at least for 5 years). Nevertheless, if you have other classes (up to 7.5 tons, truck or bus driver’s licence, etc.) you have to complete separate exams. However, there are facilities.
You will then get a confirmation that you have applied for a driver’s licence and even the future driver’s licence number. This confirmation, together with the old European driving licence, is valid as a driving licence. After about 5-6 weeks, you will get the final driver’s licence.
The underlying driver’s licence (in this case the European/German driver’s licence) should then be destroyed.